Save BIG at Domino’s this January!

Event Description

Pop! Term 1, Week 7

Event from Entertainments

Wednesday 13 November 2024, 7.00PM - Thursday 14 November 2024, 2.00AM

The Copper Rooms 

Sometimes you don't want that sophisticated night out - sometimes all you're really craveing is pure, unadulterated and unapologetic fun, accompanied by pop bangers with a twist of guilty pleasures!

Sometimes you have to trust in the cure to this craving - the cure that emanates from the Decks of Disco Dave III - the mullet-sporting, fun shirt wearing, King of POP!

Every Wednesday from 10pm - 2am (with circling from 7pm) the legendary POP! takes you to a place where the craving is satisfied - if only until next week.....

Entry is £6.50, tickets on sale on 25th September from 12pm via the SU Website… with tickets in high demand, be prepared to ensure you do not miss out! Tickets are single use only.

NO RE-ENTRY is permitted at this event.


All other terms and conditions can be found here.


Last admissions 01:30am. Advise entry before 11:00pm.


Age: 18+

(In line with UK licencing laws, it is illegal to admit under 18’s into our nightclub. Whilst we apologise for the disappointment this will cause those affected, it is strictly a legal requirement)



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